'우정'에 해당되는 글 1건
The central purpose of “Contemporary Civilization” or “CC” is to introduce students to a range of issues concerning the kinds of communities— political, social, moral, and religious—that human beings construct for themselves and the values that inform and define such communities; the course is intended to prepare students to become active and informed citizens.
사실 기대를 별로 안한 수업이다. 작년에는 1년 동안 서양의 대표적 문학을 다루는 것이라서 재밌었지만 이번해는 1년 동안 서양의 정치, 사회, 윤리, 종교에 대한 책을 다루는 것이라서 딱딱할 거라고 생각했다. 다행히도 선생님이 너무 좋아서 수업시간에 맞추어 읽어가야 하는 분량을 재미있게 읽고 있다.
So today's class was on what Aristotle thought about what it is to be a human. One of the important concepts is that man is a political animal - one that needs to interact with others to survive. To further explain his point, he discusses friendship in Nicomachean Ethics (Oxford Univ Press, translated by David Ross).
Aristotle thinks there are three types of friendship: for pleasure, utility, and virtue. Only the friendship based on virtue is the perfect friendship, because one is using his or her friend as the means to get pleasure and utility.
man 1 ----> man 2 (means) ----> ultimately, entertainment (pleasure), cattle/money (utility)
"Perfect friendship is the friendship of men who are good, and alike in virtue; for these wil well alike to each other qua good, and they are good in themselves. Now those who wish well to their friends for their sake are most truly friends; for they do this by reason of their own nature and not incidentally; therefore their friendship lasts as long as they are good- and goodness is an enduring thing. And each is good without qualification and to his friend, for the good are both good without qualification and useful to each other..."
He goes on to explain that the third type of friendship based on virtue of a person can last longer, because one will not end his friendship because his friend is no longer funny or rich.
I agree on his stance on friendship. Friendship based on pleasure and utility is a selfish one, because you are using your friend to obtain something. In an ideal friendship, you respect your friend for who he or she is, no matter what he or she may act or say, because you believe your friend is good/virtuous. From that "perfect friendship" you can also get pleasure and help from your friends.
많이 배운것 같지 않은가 후훗
사실 기대를 별로 안한 수업이다. 작년에는 1년 동안 서양의 대표적 문학을 다루는 것이라서 재밌었지만 이번해는 1년 동안 서양의 정치, 사회, 윤리, 종교에 대한 책을 다루는 것이라서 딱딱할 거라고 생각했다. 다행히도 선생님이 너무 좋아서 수업시간에 맞추어 읽어가야 하는 분량을 재미있게 읽고 있다.
So today's class was on what Aristotle thought about what it is to be a human. One of the important concepts is that man is a political animal - one that needs to interact with others to survive. To further explain his point, he discusses friendship in Nicomachean Ethics (Oxford Univ Press, translated by David Ross).
Aristotle thinks there are three types of friendship: for pleasure, utility, and virtue. Only the friendship based on virtue is the perfect friendship, because one is using his or her friend as the means to get pleasure and utility.
man 1 ----> man 2 (means) ----> ultimately, entertainment (pleasure), cattle/money (utility)
"Perfect friendship is the friendship of men who are good, and alike in virtue; for these wil well alike to each other qua good, and they are good in themselves. Now those who wish well to their friends for their sake are most truly friends; for they do this by reason of their own nature and not incidentally; therefore their friendship lasts as long as they are good- and goodness is an enduring thing. And each is good without qualification and to his friend, for the good are both good without qualification and useful to each other..."
He goes on to explain that the third type of friendship based on virtue of a person can last longer, because one will not end his friendship because his friend is no longer funny or rich.
I agree on his stance on friendship. Friendship based on pleasure and utility is a selfish one, because you are using your friend to obtain something. In an ideal friendship, you respect your friend for who he or she is, no matter what he or she may act or say, because you believe your friend is good/virtuous. From that "perfect friendship" you can also get pleasure and help from your friends.
많이 배운것 같지 않은가 후훗