it's been a couple of days since valentine's day passed but i've been meaning to write a post about it.
i think people put too much effort and emphasis on this day. i would rather be loved and be sure of that love every day from my significant other than receive a gift on just one day that everyone else also follows.
the writer of a nytimes opinion article says,
Valentine’s Day is the one day when a present ought to express adoration. Valentine’s Day is for special gifts of intimacy.
but why should that be? i think v day just encourages people to spend more when they can't afford to do so after all that gift-giving for christmas.
i agree with her on this though.
A true gift never belongs entirely to the giver or the receiver. It remains in a place between them like a meaningful conversation or a kiss. And it can stay there permanently.
As Heidegger said, gifts are not given or owned, but rather shared.