아무래도 쇠고기섭취를 너무 많이했나보다. 구멍이 뚫리기 시작한것 같다. challenges of sustainable development시험을 아침 9시에 보러갔는데 이번 기말고사 기간 동안 본 시험중에서 제일 길었다. 에세이 2개, identification 10개 (3 sentences each), short answer problem 4개 (3-6 sentences)와 수학문제 1개... 인 줄 알았는데 4번째 페이지가 있었던 것이다. the third page had a lot of space left over so i thought there was no problems left! i wouldn't even have known that there was a problem on the fourth page if a friend of mine hadn't told me. hahahaha. it's out of my hands now so i won't fret it for long.
one more final for art humanities! and i'm done packing for summer storage (but not the bags to take home). 오늘밤, 내일밤, 모레밤만 자면 집에 간다는게 믿겨지지가 않는다. 이렇게 시간이 빨리가다니. 맨디한테 뉴욕에서 별로 잘해주지도 못한 것 같은데 흑흑. 이런 것 등 맨디 걱정을 하니까 켈순씨가 이렇게 썼다.
Please take good care of her and let her know you are always there for her. As you know, friendships last forever and she is not only a spiritual guide for you but a genuine friend. Although I always cuss around ***** and *****, we too are all friends and I know that we would be together till the end. I will try to remember a gift for Mandy before I get home; What does she like, accessories?
맨디한테 뭘 갖고 싶은지 물어봐야겠다. 흠. 뭐 인도 실크정도 받아야하지 않겠니? 크크크
the whole e-mail through gmail business is very interesting. it's something we haven't done but it's very 21st century style way to continue your long-d relationship. i've already gotten use to not calling! we haven't heard each other's voice for four days now but i feel like i can do this. maybe that's how our moms and dads could wait for one another while one went into hiding from the gov't for protests for democracy/or went to the army/or went to study abroad.
anyway, can't wait to enjoy my freeedom tomorroooowwwwww
to do before i go home
- get the signature on i-20
- buy t-shirts and some books for ashley
- get some cash to convert to korean money
- deal with cell phone plan
to do when i get home
- get new prescription for glasses (to my dismay, my left eye vision got worse)
- get visa at the Chinese embassy
- contact the two professors
- get permission from dad about the trip to 강원도 with venus (저 파란하늘 얼른 보러가자!)
- go to tae-ahn