2009 books jan-april
카테고리 없음
in progress
paris to the moon
god delusion
wars, guns and votes: democracy in dangerous places

selfish gene _ richard dawkins
reclaiming development _ ha-joon chang, ilene grabel
why i am not a christian _ bertrand russell
지금사랑하지않는자, 모두유죄 _ 노희경
state of fear _ michael crichton


civil action _ jonathan harr

the reader _ bernhard schlink

타인에게 말걸기 _ 신경숙
엄마를 부탁해 _ 신경숙
consilience _ e.o. wilson
hot, flat, and crowded _ thomas friedman
challenge for africa _ wangari maathai
how soccer explains the world _ franklin foer
a year in the merde _ stephen clarke
savage detective _ robert bolano
invisible cities _ italo calvino
how we are hungry _ dave eggers
clockwork orange _ anthony burgess
dog of the south _ charles portis
love creeps _ amanda filipacchi
brief interviews with hideous men _ david foster wallace
crash _ j.g. ballard
an experiment in love _ hilary mantel
my loose thread _ dennis cooper

이제 파이널이 끝날 때까지는 책을 읽을 시간이 없을 것 같다. 4개월동안 7권이라니. 슬프다ㅠ
근데 나 진짜 2월에 아무것도 안 읽은거니?
2월 캘린더보니까 뉴욕탐험하러 다니느라 바빴던거 같네