free market but no freedom of press, no freedom of opinions
information diffusion is beneficial for economic growth but the lack of freedom of press or opinions could contribute to information asymmetry
deterioration of democracy and yet economic growth
which should prevail? should democracy be satisfied if doing so will lead to economic growth?
how much growth are we hoping for? especially when human desires are illimitable?
what should our values be centered upon?
what kind of qualities do we want in a leader? and how come almost no korean politician seem to embrace some values? and if any has some values that he or she makes his or her decisions upon, why is he or she unknown to the public?
information diffusion is beneficial for economic growth but the lack of freedom of press or opinions could contribute to information asymmetry
deterioration of democracy and yet economic growth
which should prevail? should democracy be satisfied if doing so will lead to economic growth?
how much growth are we hoping for? especially when human desires are illimitable?
what should our values be centered upon?
what kind of qualities do we want in a leader? and how come almost no korean politician seem to embrace some values? and if any has some values that he or she makes his or her decisions upon, why is he or she unknown to the public?